About us

The Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team

TEL provides access to educational technologies, simulation and immersive services, platforms and content and communities of practice which are equitable, efficient and sustainable and are changing how the health and care workforce learns.

Educational technologies allow the NHS to meet the challenges of growing, training and upskilling the workforce at scale and realise financial and time savings. TEL also provides strategic support, guidance and insight across the system, enhancing digital strategies and practices and making evidence-based educational technologies accessible to all.

The Learning Hub

The Learning Hub is a national digital learning platform providing easy access to a wide range of educational resources and support for the health and care workforce and educators. Organisations can contribute and share a wide variety of self-managed content, knowledge and learning resources including elearning, articles, videos, images and more.

The platform also offers individuals access to specialist resources to support their education and professional development locally, regionally and nationally with the ability track and evidence their learning and activity.

Work is underway to migrate the content from elfh onto the Learning Hub to provide a unified platform and single point of access for all learning for NHS and social care staff which will be among the biggest of its type in the world. This is to support growth in platform capability as the Learning Hub delivers the latest technology, offers a better experience for users, and aligns to government digital standards.

NHS England elearning for Healthcare

elfh provides elearning resources to educate and train the health and care workforce and support improved patient care and outcomes. With more than 500 elearning programmes available, elfh content encompasses a vast range of roles and specialties and is quality-assured and free to access.

Our elearning programmes are developed in partnership with professional bodies, including Royal Colleges and associations, NHS organisations, charities and other health and care organisations to ensure we are supporting the latest developments in clinical care, research and professional development. They are available to the entire health and care workforce, including teachers, volunteers and local government.

The elearning programmes are available via the elfh Hub, with most also being available via the Electronic Staff Record (ESR), OpenAthens and local training platforms. Some elfh programmes are also available internationally via eIntegrity.

NHS England

TEL is part of the Workforce, Training and Education directorate of NHS England which is ensuring the NHS in England has a sufficient and inclusive workforce with the knowledge, skills, values and behaviours to deliver compassionate high-quality health and care to the people it serves.​

Page last reviewed: 30 Apr 2024
Next review due: 30 Apr 2027